The Ohio Music Teachers Association is affiliated with Music Teachers National Association, Inc. ("MTNA"), Cincinnati, Ohio, a Code Section 501(c)(3) organization.
This committee has eight members that serve for two year terms beginning at the conclusion of the Fall Conference in even number years. Meetings are convened by the State President and occur three times a year, Fall Conference, Winter and Spring. Members of this committee include the President, President-Elect, VP-Conferences, VP-Membership, VP-Student Activities, VP-Affiliated Organizations, Treasurer and Immediate Past-President.
The OhioMTA Board advises the Executive Committee on operational issues that confront the organization. The board consists of 31 members that include the Executive Committee, eight District Chairs and fifteen other designated chairs. The board members report to a representative on the Executive Committee to facilitate the decision making process. The Executive Committee Member is listed in Bold Print followed by the board members and the committees they represent.